


113-1 海外研修/實習分享會


📢 本次分享會由國際長葉家瑜教授致詞揭開序幕,接著由校務研究中心洪嘉良組長進行109-113年學海飛颺補助學生情形的詳細分析,讓同學們了解更多關於海外研修的寶貴經驗。

🎤 講者們的經驗分享涵蓋了求學、研修、雙聯學位及實習等多元內容,為在場的學生們提供了寶貴的國際學習與實習心得,激發了更多探索海外機會的動力。

🎓 最後,我們也詳細介紹了學海系列補助的申請流程,為未來有意願前往海外研修或實習的同學提供實用資訊。


✨The second Overseas Study and Internship Sharing Session of 2024 was a great success! ✨

A huge shoutout goes to our presenters for sharing their unique insights, and also to everyone who participated in this informative and inspiring event. 🙌

📢 We started with opening remarks from Professor Yeh Chia-Yu, Dean of the OICSA, followed by an analysis of scholarship data from 2020 to 2024, highlighting valuable information on studying abroad.

🎤 Our speakers shared diverse experiences on studying, research, dual-degree programs, and internships abroad, offering valuable advice for students exploring international opportunities.

🎓 We also provided a detailed guide on how to apply for the MOE Overseas Exchange Student Financial Assistance Grant and recommended several programs to apply to.

Thanks again to all who attended—we hope this session assists you on your international learning journey!

#海外研修 #國際經驗 #學海飛颺 #海外實習 #國際教育 #國際處

#StudyAbroad #GlobalExperience #OverseasInternships #InternationalEducation #NCNU #OICSA

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1016-3  1016-4

